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Paul Anthony 11th Hussars


Name index — S

This list aims to show all members of the five regiments of the Light Cavalry brigade known to have embarked for active service in the Crimean War between 1854 and 1856 — more than 3000 men. Of these, between 600 and 700 were in the Charge on 25th October 1854. Men who arrived after the fall of Sebastopol on 9 September 1855, who (with some exceptions) were therefore not entitled to the Crimean War Medal, are listed separately below. Men who died or were invalided home before reaching the Crimea are shown in the main list.

Regtl No
Saddler Private Thomas 359 8th Hussars
Saffhill, Saffield Private John 1899 13th Light Dragoons
Saker, Salter Private William 703 17th Lancers
Salis, De Salis Major Rodolph 8th Hussars
Salter Private Jabez 1479 13th Light Dragoons
Salter Private James 1442 4th Light Dragoons
Saltern Private Joseph 1212 4th Light Dragoons
Saltmarshe Lieutenant Arthur 11th Hussars Died 3.9.54 in camp near Varna of Cholera.
Saltren Willett, Willett Major Augustus 17th Lancers
Samer Private Samuel 1364 11th Hussars
Sampson Private George 1402 11th Hussars
Samways Private Stephen 1856 13th Light Dragoons
Sanders Private John 1496 11th Hussars Died 24.10.54 at Scutari of Cholera. Never reached Crimea.
Sanderson Private Benjamin 1766 4th Light Dragoons
Sanderson Private James 1314 11th Hussars
Sandwith Private George 686 8th Hussars
Sargent Private Frederick 1487 13th Light Dragoons Died 28.10.54 at Scutari. Never reached Crimea.
Sargeant Private Robert 1803 4th Light Dragoons
Sarson Private Thomas 1566 4th Light Dragoons
Saunders Private William 978 4th Light Dragoons
Savage Private James 1179 4th Light Dragoons
Sawbridge Private Thomas 1507 11th Hussars
Sayce Private Richard 1137 8th Hussars
Scard Private Henry 1372 17th Lancers
Scarfe Sergeant James 481 17th Lancers
Scholfield Private Charles 1791 4th Light Dragoons
Scott Private Edmund 1538 8th Hussars
Scott Private John 1836 13th Light Dragoons
Scully Private Richard 1290 8th Hussars
Seabrook Private Michael 618 17th Lancers
Seabrooke Corporal Edward 1282 11th Hussars
Seagar Lieutenant Edward 8th Hussars
Seagon Private Frederick 1481 13th Light Dragoons
Sealy Private Henry 1222 11th Hussars
Searle Private William 1289 8th Hussars
Sedgewick Private James 826 4th Light Dragoons
Semple Private William 822 8th Hussars
Senior Sergeant George 1386 13th Light Dragoons
Sergeant Private Frederick 1647 13th Light Dragoons
Sewell Sergeant Edward 1104 8th Hussars
Sewell Private Henry 1620 8th Hussars
Sewell Corporal John 1197 8th Hussars
Sewell Private Johnson 1111 17th Lancers
Sewell Corporal Robert 479 17th Lancers
Sewell Private William 1452 13th Light Dragoons
Sexton Private William 1121 4th Light Dragoons
Seymour Cornet Walter 17th Lancers
Shackle Private John 985 4th Light Dragoons
Shackleton Private William 1955 4th Light Dragoons
Shairp Corporal Frederick 2185 4th Light Dragoons
Shakespeare Private Joseph 1785 4th Light Dragoons
Sharman Private Andrew 1123 17th Lancers
Sharpe Private Henry 1259 11th Hussars
Sharpe Private Matthew 1519 11th Hussars
Sharpe Private Thomas 940 17th Lancers
Sharpe Private William 1881 11th Hussars
Shaw Private James 596 13th Light Dragoons
Shea Private George 995 17th Lancers Died 11.10.54 at Scutari
Shearingham Sergeant John 539 17th Lancers
Sheehan Private Michael 1541 4th Light Dragoons
Sheffield Private Robert 1636 13th Light Dragoons
Shelswell Private William 1431 17th Lancers
Shelton Private James 1846 13th Light Dragoons
Shemming Private Ambrose 1569 4th Light Dragoons
Shenfield Private Joseph 1156 17th Lancers
Shepherd Private Thomas 1498 8th Hussars
Sheppard Private William 1580 11th Hussars
Shergold, Sheargold Private Henry 1556 11th Hussars
Shergold, Sheargold Sergeant Thomas 1482 11th Hussars
Sheridan Private Anthony 468 8th Hussars
Sherriff Private George 906 17th Lancers
Sherwood Private George 1869 13th Light Dragoons
Shewell Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick 8th Hussars
Shields Private Thomas 1865 11th Hussars
Shiers Private Richard 1485 17th Lancers
Shipway Private Henry 1278 17th Lancers
Shirkey Private Thomas 1581 11th Hussars
Shoebridge Private William 1741 13th Light Dragoons
Shoppee Private Leonard 1528 11th Hussars
Shores Private Henry 1237 17th Lancers
Shorney Private Charles 1613 4th Light Dragoons
Short Private Charles 1517 11th Hussars
Short Sergeant Frederick 1230 4th Light Dragoons
Short Private Robert 1681 8th Hussars
Shrive Private Thomas 1523 11th Hussars
Shrubsole Private George 1788 13th Light Dragoons
Silcock Private John 1565 13th Light Dragoons
Silver Sergeant Thomas 826 11th Hussars
Simmonds Private Charles 1819 11th Hussars
Simpson Private Anthony 1416 4th Light Dragoons
Simpson Private George 1383 11th Hussars
Simpson Private James 340 8th Hussars
Simpson (alias of 1268 George Harris) Private Richard 1268 8th Hussars
Simpson Private Robert 1489 8th Hussars
Simpson Private William 1520 4th Light Dragoons
Sims Private Stephen 902 13th Light Dragoons
Sims Private William 1285 13th Light Dragoons
Sired Private James 1256 17th Lancers
Skitt Private James 1349 8th Hussars
Slack Private Joseph 832 17th Lancers
Sladden Private David 1119 17th Lancers
Slater Private James 1802 4th Light Dragoons
Slattery Private James 1247 13th Light Dragoons
Slattery Private Michael 1528 8th Hussars
Slaughter Private Joseph 1367 17th Lancers
Smallwood Private John 1618 8th Hussars
Smith Private Amos 1732 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Corporal Arthur 1223 17th Lancers
Smith Corporal Charles 1214 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Daniel 1113 11th Hussars
Smith Corporal Edward 1491 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Ernest 1129 17th Lancers Invalided from Scutari to England 14.10.54. Never in Crimea.
Smith, Loy-Smith Sergeant Major George 766 11th Hussars
Smith Private George 1684 11th Hussars
Smith Private George 625 13th Light Dragoons Check there's no confusion with 1625 George Raymond Smith 13LD.
Smith Troop Sergeant Major George 1106 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Corporal George Raymond 1625 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Private George 1003 17th Lancers
Smith Private George 1214 17th Lancers
Smith Private Harry [sic?] 1552 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Henry 613 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Henry 1264 8th Hussars
Smith Private James 1621 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private James 1196 11th Hussars Embarked, at Scutari, returned [?] 12.2.55 invalid, never in Crimea
Smith Private John 1556 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private John 1602 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private John 1659 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private John 1693 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private John 1069 8th Hussars
Smith Private John 1446 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Private John 924 17th Lancers
Smith Private John 1484 17th Lancers
Smith Private Justas 1831 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Lieutenant Percy Shawe 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Richard 1823 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Robert 1752 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Private Thomas 1716 11th Hussars
Smith Private Thomas 531 17th Lancers
Smith Private William 1899 4th Light Dragoons
Smith Trumpeter William 1586 11th Hussars
Smith Private William 849 13th Light Dragoons
Smith Private William 867 17th Lancers
Sneezum Private John 1432 11th Hussars
Soames Corporal Thomas 1099 13th Light Dragoons
Sobey Private Thomas 1619 11th Hussars
Soley Private Benjamin 1120 17th Lancers
Somerville Private Robert 1173 8th Hussars
Souter Private James 1386 11th Hussars
Souter Corporal Samuel 1386 11th Hussars Died 22.9.54. In Crimea? But not on medal roll?
Spain Private Christopher 568 8th Hussars
Sparke Lieutenant Henry 4th Light Dragoons
Spence Corporal Henry 1344 4th Light Dragoons
Spragg Private William 1735 4th Light Dragoons
Spreadborough Private George 1694 4th Light Dragoons
Spring (possible alias of William Pilkington) Private William 1608 11th Hussars
Squires Private Alexander 1768 11th Hussars
Squires Private Horace 1350 13th Light Dragoons At Varna. Invalided to England 2.3.55.
Staden Private William 870 11th Hussars
Stancher Private Henry 836 11th Hussars
Stancliffe Corporal Henry 1261 11th Hussars
Standing Private William 1243 17th Lancers
Standley Private Thomas 1561 13th Light Dragoons
Stanger Private Robert 1424 13th Light Dragoons
Stanley Private David 1009 17th Lancers
Stanley Private Ferdinand 1039 4th Light Dragoons
Stanley Assistant Surgeon St John 17th Lancers
Stanley Private William 1306 13th Light Dragoons
Stannage Private James 1016 17th Lancers
Stead Private William 1696 4th Light Dragoons
Steadman, De'Steadman Private Henry 1575 11th Hussars
Steele Private Hugh 954 8th Hussars
Steers Private James 1208 17th Lancers Invalided from Scutari to England 13.6.55. Never in Crimea.
Steers Private James, Joseph 1248 17th Lancers Check this is not 1208 Steers 17L.
Stephenson Private James 1538 11th Hussars
Stephenson Paymaster John 17th Lancers
Stevens Private Henry 1607 13th Light Dragoons
Stevens Private Samuel 1815 13th Light Dragoons
Stewart Private Thomas 974 17th Lancers
Stine Private Andrew 1060 17th Lancers
Stoddart Private William 706 17th Lancers
Stokes Private James 1090 13th Light Dragoons
Stokes Private James 1171 4th Light Dragoons
Stone Private Francis 1644 13th Light Dragoons
Stone Private Richard 901 11th Hussars
Stoneman Private William 1285 4th Light Dragoons
Stops Corporal Reuben 1512 13th Light Dragoons
Storey Private John 852 4th Light Dragoons
Storey Private Frederick, Richard [?] 1835 11th Hussars
Stott Private James 1436 8th Hussars
Stott Private Sylvester 1687 8th Hussars
Stowers Private Alfred 1548 4th Light Dragoons
Stratton Private Healy 1113 4th Light Dragoons
Stretton Private William 813 17th Lancers
Strickland Private Robert 990 4th Light Dragoons
Strickland Private Samson 1797 13th Light Dragoons
Strut, Strutt Private John 1421 11th Hussars
Styan (real name of Thomas Taylor) Private Alfred 1091 17th Lancers
Styles Private Benjamin 1157 8th Hussars
Sullivan Private Daniel 626 8th Hussars Died 9.8.54 at Yenibazar
Sullivan Private Domenic 1782 11th Hussars
Sullivan Private James 1608 4th Light Dragoons
Summers Private Henry 1353 17th Lancers
Sumners Private George 1660 13th Light Dragoons
Surcomb Private John 1916 4th Light Dragoons
Surey Private John 1283 13th Light Dragoons
Sutcliffe Private Joseph 1680 4th Light Dragoons
Sutcliffe Private William 1234 4th Light Dragoons
Swan Private George 1585 4th Light Dragoons
Swan Private William 1727 4th Light Dragoons
Swift Private James 1890 13th Light Dragoons
Swift Private William 1826 4th Light Dragoons
Swiney Private John 1036 17th Lancers
Sylvester Private James 1264 17th Lancers

Arrived after 9 September 1855

Regtl No
Saunders Private Thomas 1425 8th Hussars From 15H, no.1732. From England 28.9.55.
Sawbridge Lieutenant R.C. 8th Hussars Joined from England 28.9.55 (to IDH [?])
Sebrey Private James 1357 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Selby Private Thomas 1571 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Shaw Private Charles 1563 8th Hussars From England 15.11.55.
Shervington Private David 1596 8th Hussars From England 20.11.55 (DICH 8.11.56) [?]
Short Private James 1339 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Simpson Private William 1276 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Skelly Private William 1312 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smalley Private Aaron 1444 8th Hussars From England 20.11.55.
Smith Private Alexander 1547 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private David 1731 8th Hussars From England 15.11.55.
Smith Private Henry 1277 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private James 1295 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private James 1329 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private John 1578 8th Hussars From England 20.11.55.
Smith Private Thomas 1371 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55
Smith Private Thomas 1734 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private William 1775 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Spavin Private Robert 1544 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Springall Private John 1437 8th Hussars From England 20.11.55.
Stanley Private Samuel 1555 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55
Sainsbury Private Gideon 1995 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Scott Private Caruthers 1980 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Scott Private David 2012 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Simons Private James 1993 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Skinner Private Charles 2024 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Smith Private George (2nd) 1958 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private George (3rd) 1975 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Smith Private Zachariah 1918 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Speller Private John 1898 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Steen Private William 1892 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55. Died 6.12.58 [?] at Canterbury.
Sheddon Private James 1881 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Sheppard Private Thomas Lively 1896 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 20.11.55. Discharged 15.12.56.
Sherwood Private George 1819 13th Light Dragoons Died 27.11.55 at Scutari.
Simmonds Private Alfred 1631 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 23.1.56.
Simmons Private Vernon 1930 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Smith Private F.R. 1927 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Smith Private William 1528 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 20.11.55.
Stenning Private William 1651 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Stone Private Henry 1688 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Strickland Private Sansom 1797 13th Light Dragoons Died 14.10.55 at Scutari.
Surey Private John 1283 13th Light Dragoons At Scutari 3.12.55.
Saw Private Henry 1426 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Scott Private Isaac 1622 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Shaw Private Douglas 1320 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Sheridan Private Joseph 1569 17th Lancers From Scutari 19.11.55.
Silby Private Joseph 1343 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Smith Private Isaac 1310 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Smith Private James 1556 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Southwood Private Samuel 1504 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Springhall Private James 1873 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 21.11.55.
Stores Private Thomas 1348 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.
Sullivan Private Matthew 1585 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 21.11.55. DC [=discharged?] 7.11.56.
Summers Private Charles 1609 17th Lancers From 16th Lancers 23.10.55. Joined the regiment 14.11.55.
Summers Private Walter 1738 17th Lancers From 16th Lancers 23.10.55. Joined the regiment 14.11.55.
Swett [sic?] Private Charles 1539 17th Lancers Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall.

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