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The E.J. Boys Archive

Paul Anthony 11th Hussars


Name index — B

This list aims to show all members of the five regiments of the Light Cavalry brigade known to have embarked for active service in the Crimean War between 1854 and 1856 — more than 3000 men. Of these, between 600 and 700 were in the Charge on 25th October 1854. Men who arrived after the fall of Sebastopol on 9 September 1855, who (with some exceptions) were therefore not entitled to the Crimean War Medal, are listed separately below. Men who died or were invalided home before reaching the Crimea are shown in the main list.

Regtl No
Bainbridge Private John 1737 11th Hussars
Baines, Baynes Private Henry 1029 11th Hussars
Baker Private William 846 11th Hussars
Bambrick Private John 1465 11th Hussars
Barber Farrier John 1298 11th Hussars
Barrass Private James 801 11th Hussars
Bartlett Private George 1650 11th Hussars
Barton Private George William 1368 11th Hussars Died 24.8.54 of fever in Turkey
Barwick Private Abraham 1501 11th Hussars
Bassett Corporal William 1027 11th Hussars
Batchelor Private John 1871 11th Hussars
Bates Private James 959 11th Hussars
Baxter Private John 1518 11th Hussars
Baynes, Baines Private Henry 1029 11th Hussars
Beattie Private Thomas 1611 11th Hussars
Beck Corporal Thomas 1378 11th Hussars
Beeson Private Benjamin 1570 11th Hussars
Belcher Private William 1184 11th Hussars Invalided from Scutari to England 1.55. ReJoined the regiment 26.11.55 from England.
Belfield Private Joseph 1582 11th Hussars
Bell Private John 1876 11th Hussars
Belward Private George 1706 11th Hussars
Bennett Corporal William 970 11th Hussars
Bennington Private Stephen 839 11th Hussars
Bensley Corporal James 1689 11th Hussars
Bentley Private Charles 1574 11th Hussars
Bentley Private Thomas 1806 11th Hussars
Bentley Sergeant William 863 11th Hussars
Bentley Private Zachariah 1574 11th Hussars Died 4.12.54 at Scutari
Berry Private John 1306 11th Hussars
Bickerton Private Charles 1761 11th Hussars
Bingham Private John 1412 11th Hussars
Bissell Private William 1760 11th Hussars
Blissett Private Edward 1430 11th Hussars
Bond Private Henry 1478 11th Hussars
Bond Sergeant Seth 1091 11th Hussars
Bow Private Thomas 1245 11th Hussars
Boyd Trumpeter Michael 1321 11th Hussars
Breese, Breeze Sergeant John 1102 11th Hussars
Brewer Private Alfred 1289 11th Hussars
Briers Private Daniel 1539 11th Hussars
Briggs Private Robert 1473 11th Hussars
Broughton Private William 1565 11th Hussars
Brown Private Alfred 1426 11th Hussars
Brown Private Frederick 1246 11th Hussars
Brown Private James 1842 11th Hussars
Brown Private John 1790 11th Hussars
Brown Private Serenas, Charles 1231 11th Hussars
Brown Private Thomas 1834 11th Hussars
Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan Major - General James Thomas Brigade staff [ex-11th Hussars]
Brunton Private Joseph 1176 11th Hussars
Bubb Private Robert 1588 11th Hussars
Buckton Corporal John 1413 11th Hussars
Bull Sergeant Major George 1037 11th Hussars
Bulmer Private Thomas 1711 11th Hussars
Bunce Private Frederick 1419 11th Hussars
Bunn Private William 995 11th Hussars
Bunyard Private Alfred 1535 11th Hussars
Burgess Private Alexander 1840 11th Hussars
Burgess Private Henry 1232 11th Hussars
Burling Private John 1256 11th Hussars
Burton Private John 624 11th Hussars
Burton Private William 1529 11th Hussars
Bury Private Philip 1452 11th Hussars

Arrived after 9 September 1855

Regtl No

11th Hussars

Beckett Private Richard 1809 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Beckley Private Moses 1888 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Bentley Private Charles 1806 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55.
Bishton Private Valentine 1924 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Boyde Private James Henry 1908 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Bramwell Private Ralph 2078 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55. To 7H 10.8.57
Brevitt Private William 2025 11th Hussars From England 18.11.55. To 7H 10.8.57
Brewster Private Henry 1957 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Brooke Cornet R.A. 11th Hussars From England 27.12.55.
Butler Private William 2102 11th Hussars From England 27.12.55. Batman to Cornet Brooke.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com